Meditation instrumental music

This page contains tag archives for Meditation instrumental music. Some of the track free for download in MP3 format. Sound of flute, synth, and piano relaxing type.

Music for meditation



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play2 download Purple dawn
play2 download Waves and wind (Free)
play2 download Mirror of chaos (Free)
play2 download New Birth
play2 download Decompressed (Free)
play2 download Behind existence (Free)
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play2 download Episode 3 (Free)
play2 download Eternity of doubt (Free)
play2 download Caffeine (Free)
play2 download Insight
play2 download Dying world
play2 download Episode 9

Explore the full background music catalog and free background music list.

This collection of background music tracks for meditation was written at different times. However, all these songs have something in common and especially slow tempo. Music can be successfully used both for relaxation and meditation, as well as the background for a mystical, science-fiction or documentary video. Here you will find a wide range of sounds, from the traditional piano music to synthetic fluctuations performed by the amplitude and frequency modulation. Tracks available in MP3 format to listen to and download. To use the music for commercial purposes (available version in the format WAV) fill out the appropriate form.

“Mind Tuner” – meditation instrumental music


play2 download Nirvana
play2 download Mind Tuner 01 (Free)
play2 download Mind Tuner 02
play2 download Mind Tuner 03
play2 download Mind Tuner 04 (Free)
play2 download Mind Tuner 05 (Free)
play2 download Mind Tuner 06

Mind tunerMini album “Mind Tuner”, including six slow flute compositions, is a continuation of a series of background music for meditation. All tracks were written in the mode of improvisation, with little dynamic correction later.

Why did it call Mind Tuner? The human brain is a single-processor system, or in other words at a time can perform only one task. Very often, when we think about several problems at a time or try to perform two works, the result is a headache or depression. The brain does not like to switch from one to another and indicates that the person has ceased to use it in extreme mode.

Monophonic music is a traditional remedy for such disorders because of ideal for relaxation purposes. In addition, people usually associated flute in with a thin breath of wind, the murmur of water, or other natural phenomena.

Ideal conditions to listen to tracks of mini-album “Mind Tuner” – it’s good stereo headphones and an easy chair. Do not try to think about anything, just listening to the sounds. Musical phrases deliberately constructed so that they were similar to the human voice, in particular, the individual proposals.

Mind Tuner also is ideal as background music for mental work or study. It is recommended to listen to music at a low or medium volume.